Support Upmarket Magazine

There are many ways you can support Upmarket Magazine and help us keep our content going strong. Pick one that speaks to you:

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Get active in our tribe — or just tell us what you think. We love comments, discussions, and blog posts about our content. If you’ve talked about us somewhere, please send us a link so we can check it out! If you’d like to send us private feedback, feel free to email [email protected]; she’d love to hear from you.

Become a contributor, or introduce us to someone you think would make an amazing columnist. Do you or someone you know create wonderful text, video, or artistic content? Read about contributing to Upmarket Magazine here, or email [email protected] with questions.

Become an editor, or introduce us to someone you think would make an amazing editor. Do you or someone you know have a solid understanding of WordPress and social media? Do you know what makes a well-written, emotionally resonant piece of writing? Are you interested in helping Upmarket Magazine get its message to as wide an audience as possible? If this is you or someone you know, please email [email protected] to start a conversation — we’re very interested in more assistance running our editorial.

Become an official sponsor of Upmarket Magazine. Although we don’t accept compensation for advertising content, we are interested in allowing individuals or organizations to sponsor Upmarket publicly for periods of time. Find out more on our sponsorships page.

Help us some other way — your choice. If you want to help us out but you have your own ideas about how to do that, whether it’s by donating time or resources, or something completely different — or even if you’re not sure how you can help, but you’d like to try — please drop [email protected] a note. We really appreciate your interest in helping us out, and we’ll find a way that works for all of us. <3