About Upmarket Magazine

We are building Upmarket Magazine into a community-driven platform with a two-fold purpose:

To publish meaningful content about BUSINESS that is PERSONAL, ART and CONNECTION as the primary vehicle and PURPOSE of business, and the fundamentally HUMAN underpinnings of everything related to business that human beings do.


To build a COMMUNITY of PEOPLE who RESONATE with our message, and increase Upmarket’s EFFECTIVENESS as a platform to SUPPORT the people in our community. This means our EDITORIAL TEAM, our CONTRIBUTORS, our READERS, and all the others in our monkeyspheres that we all believe are worthy of our support.

Upmarket is all about creating remarkable, creative, meaningful, human-resonant businesses. Our focus tends to be more on small (and micro!) businesses that push the envelope, the people who run them, and where to find the guts and insight to build them.

What do we feature in Upmarket? Case studies, reviews, tips & tricks, surprising shortcuts, what works (and what doesn’t). We talk about measurables, but we talk a hell of a lot about immeasurables, too. Upmarket is about the artistic, important, and authentic aspects of business. We tell stories about the businesses that amaze us, and provide information and resources to readers who are interested in making their business successful in just those delightful ways. We believe that any individual’s success is something they alone determine, and we believe that the “success” of a business today requires far more than just a simple how-to manual.

Who contributes to Upmarket? This magazine owes most of its content to its passionate columnists. If you’re interested in becoming one of our columnists or contributing any other kind of text, video or artistic content, there’s more information below!

Interested in contributing?

If you’d like to contribute to Upmarket as an editor or volunteer as part of our team, email [email protected] - she’ll give you details about what we’re looking for.

If you’d like to contribute to Upmarket as an artist, email [email protected] straightaway — she’s very interested in hearing from you. <3

If you’d like to become one of our contributing columnists, keep reading. Our article contributors are passionate volunteers who want to share more about their field of expertise, and we have a wide audience who wants to hear from you!

In order to get started as a columnist, check out this page. If you have any questions or would like more information, email MEM here and she’ll help you out.

Meet the Team

memMegan Elizabeth Morris — also known as MEM — serves as Upmarket’s Managing Editor and Chief of Stuff, Etceteros. She oversees the trajectory of the content stream, plans each special content series, keeps the website working and does anything else she deems necessary to help Upmarket be delicious. MEM also connects remarkable contributors with Upmarket’s audience when she’s wearing her content recruitment hat, and she occasionally contributes herself. (If you’re a talented content creator looking to build community around an outside-the-box business message, be sure to drop her a note or check out our submission guidelines.) You can also find out more about MEM on her personal info page or by following her on Twitter.

elizabethrubioElizabeth Rubio is Upmarket’s Editor, and she handles quite a bit of our day-to-day content editing and publishing. After toiling for seven years in the corporate machine of biotechnology, she has struck out on her own as a freelance editor. Armed with her attention to detail and passionate interest in language (not to mention a red pen, a positive attitude, and, soon, a copyediting certificate from the University of San Diego), we consider her nigh unstoppable in her quest for clarity, concision, correctness, and coherency. (For those who have been paying attention, it’s obvious she is an avid fan of the serial comma.) (And parentheses. Because who doesn’t love parentheses?) Find out more about Elizabeth on her personal website or by emailing her here.

Eve JacquesEve Jacques, our newest Editor, calls herself writer, monster-whisperer, and warm-hearted advocate of play and silliness. Her interests include Shakespeare, Neil Gaiman, P.L. Travers, Tolkien, Star Wars, and theater. Her monster whispering work centers around helping people surprise themselves with their own wisdom and brilliance — by talking to the monsters in their heads (we’ve all got them). Eve’s writing and editorial work adventures in storytelling, copywriting, proofreading, and audio transcription. Take a moment to find out more about her on this page, or you can get in touch by emailing her here.