Leveraging Chaos


Though we may not realize the significance or relevance of our chaotic experiences until much later, in hindsight we often realize the importance of enduring specific challenges, setbacks, delays, or what felt like irrelevant nuisances.

Find the Gift in Any Problem: Expand Your Universe


In any conflict or disturbance, our frame of reference and viewpoint is our own choice. Diane Bolden shares her insights on finding the gift in any problem, whether unexpectedly encountered or self-imposed.

Enduring a Stormy State of Mind


Having weathered the storms in our minds, we can appreciate even more deeply the beauty of the clean, clear skies that follow – and use them as backdrops on which to create our own rainbows.

The Buzz on Resilience

Resilience isn’t just endurance. Are you flexible enough to be truly resilient?

Young Entrepreneurs Should Enjoy “The Niche of No”

“The Niche of No” is the business version of the land of misfit toys. This is a place for crazy, wonderful business ideas.