About Nikolas Allen

Nikolas Allen, runs BAM! Small Biz Consulting where he helps small business owners attract more loyal customers and grow their business through creative branding and marketing strategies. A bold, dynamic and inspiring speaker, Nikolas Allen also enjoys sharing his expertise with live audiences via branding and marketing presentations, workshops and seminars. For free branding and marketing tips to grow your business, visit bamsmallbizconsulting.com.

Creating a Brand Experience: How You Can Be Special


As a consumer, how often are you roused from your weary, robotic trundle long enough to actually notice an unexpected detail, a memorable moment, or an innovative idea in action? More than likely, the answer is, “Not often enough!”

The Secret to Crafting Meaningful Marketing Messages


Humans make decisions based on emotions, then use their rational mind to justify decisions. In the battle of the heart vs. the mind, the heart often wins, therefore, in order to earn the attention of your prospects, you need to hook them emotionally.

Online vs. Traditional Marketing: Which Is Better?

What should you be asking instead? What’s your message? Who is your audience? And where is your audience? These answers will show you the best marketing tools for your business.

12 Ways To Position Your Company as The Expert

In order to gain the trust of your audience, you must position yourself as an expert in their minds. Here are a dozen ways to do it.

The High Cost of Low Price

The age-old maxim, ‘You get what you pay for’ is true. Remember, nobody likes a cheapskate, not even your business.

The Motivational Value of Stiff Competition

The better you know your competition, the better you can identify the one thing that makes you truly different.

Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude

In business, and in life, a little gratitude goes a long way.