Imagine the power of consciously harnessing the workings of your mind, in small, simple steps to create the results you want with more ease, joy & success in your work, relationships & life.
Remarkable. Creative. Successful. Upmarket businesses push the envelope -- does yours?
Imagine the power of consciously harnessing the workings of your mind, in small, simple steps to create the results you want with more ease, joy & success in your work, relationships & life.
Actionable Insights are key takeaways from leading business books, delivered to you in 3 minutes or less. Watch to learn more about Drive by Dan Pink.
Watch to learn more about “The Advantage” by Patrick Lencioni, in today’s Actionable Insights — key takeaways from leading business books, delivered to you in 3 minutes or less.
Evil plans are big. No one ever says “I have an Evil Plan. I’m going to make a sandwich.” No, evil plans always involve world domination…
Trust Me: Four Steps to Authenticity and Charisma by Dr. Nick Morgan is a must-have for anyone who wants to be a more effective, persuasive, influential & powerful communicator.
In the face of daunting decision to be made, and an overwhelming amount of information at our fingertips, we must learn to be choosy about choosing.
Bruce Schneier’s Liars & Outliars: People who break society’s rules — and the advantages of doing so.
Lee Cockerell is one of the best leaders in business. His work at Walt Disney World is legendary, so of course he has a lot of insight into leadership. In Creating Magic he not only explains his leadership strategy, but he gives his readers tools to become skillful leaders themselves.
When you’re in a rut, you need something to pull you out of the ashes and ignite a fire. Jennifer Vandenberg’s solution is to grab “The Imagineering Way.” She says, “No one can stay in a rut after browsing through this fun and creative book.”
Cheryl Richardson is a personal coach, and luckily, reading her book is like getting a session a week.
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