What Kind of Leader Are You?


Sometimes we try to make leadership more complicated than it has to be. More often than not, leadership is about making one good decision after another. It’s about putting together a string of small steps that eventually take us to a new place.

Do Companies Have A Right to Your Facebook Password?


Imagine you’re at a job interview and you’re asked for your Facebook password. What do you do? How about if you’re working at a company where they are investigating “misconduct” and ask for your Facebook password? Do you turn it over? Can you be fired for refusing?

Why Your Common Sense is Wrong

multiple choice

When it comes to multiple choice tests, we’ve been taught that we should never change our answers. But test scores improve when answers are changed…

‘The Art of Choosing’: Too much choice?


In the face of daunting decision to be made, and an overwhelming amount of information at our fingertips, we must learn to be choosy about choosing.

How to Fix Decision Making Meetings

Decision making meetings often fail because they’re missing a crucial ingredient: Leadership. Al Pittampalli explains the bystander effect, and the solution…

How a Mosquito Can Ruin Your Business


We become obsessed with the small issues, and we miss the big problems. We worry about customers following our procedures and don’t wonder if our procedures are destroying our sales. We focus on controlling our employee’s time because we’re so afraid of “unproductive behaviors” that we miss the dramatic change in motivation as employees go from being excited about work… to drones in a factory.

Without Conviction, Decisions Are Meaningless

When you decide, all other choices become irrelevant. And making decisions is worth the price of their pursuit, because that’s where the real fun lies.

Why I'm Losing Weight (and Why I Never Could Before)

Pretending altruistic or “reasonable” motivations instead of acknowledging the silliness that is the human condition will leave you stuck. Finding why leads to honesty — which leads to change.

Leading by Instinct, Validating by Data

Lead by Instinct

When rallying support for a new idea, strive first for collective agreement on instinct-oriented ideation, then validate with data. Anything more of those two elements will lead to weak results and internal frustration.

Risk Factors In Your Hectic Pace?

You might be used to working on the fly, but some research is showing that slowing down a bit can promote more sensible thought.