The High Value of Not Working


If we’re going to harp on the subject of increased freedom and creativity in the workplace, perhaps we ought to talk about increased *internal* freedom and creativity as well. Do you feel guilty when you stop working?

Emoticon Blues (More Tales from the Call Center)

Photo by Ben Ward

“Working in a call center, it’s hard to relax. The next call could literally be anything. One small victory overshadowed by the complexity of a new problem I may not be able to solve, and the bad calls leave deeper and longer-lasting emotional imprints on minds and souls. Do we cling to small victories because the alternative is to sink into despair?”

Tales from the Call Center: Just another day in the office…


Tales from the Call Center: “I’m supposed to be the antidote to the automated telephone system, but it doesn’t always feel that way. Couldn’t I help people more effectively if we could just interact like human beings? Productivity and efficiency are buzzwords in the business world, but is it working?”

Being Mentally Overweight

Jello Brains

You can’t consume unhealthy television shows without becoming mentally unhealthy. You can’t avoid learning and expect to make good decisions. You can’t read only one side of an argument and not become hateful toward the other side.

How to Get Organized Without Putting Out the Creative Fire

Dave Shea

The most common objections I hear about getting organized, planning, and de-cluttering is that such order is at odds with creativity. But there’s a huge difference between building a fire in a fire pit and triggering a wildfire. Understanding that difference will help you find the right level of organization for your creative process.

Turning Pro: The Pain of Being Human

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The Gnostics believed that exile was the essential condition of man. Do you agree? Steven Pressfield does. The artist and the addict both wrestle with this experience of exile.

Special Series: Cultivate Creativity

Brieann Kinsey, designer extraordinare

For the last few weeks we’ve been running special series called Cultivate Creativity, inspired by Nolan Bushnell’s latest book. We ran four wonderful pieces from existing contributors, and if you missed them, you’ll want to check them out now…

Free Your Inner 5-Year-Old: Divergent Thinking & Creativity

Brieann Kinsey, designer extraordinare

To bring creativity back to the workplace, we must shed our outdated beliefs. We must let go of the industrialized notion that our systems and processes can go on and on… unaffected. These beliefs are blinding us and holding us hostage to our fear of the unknown.

Don’t Give Business a Bad Name

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The best company names the ones that are simple, are meaningful to customers, and conjure up a lot of mental imagery. Names that lend themselves to word play are easy to remember and “have legs,” meaning they cane be parlayed into peripheral products, extra revenue sources, and extra buzz.

Transcending Tradition — Becoming You

The expectation of a Shuhari kata is to break free of tradition and anything that has been done before — to invent a distinctly unique and original application.