Extraordinary leaders in all walks of life know that they possess the ability to change their story by choosing their response, and that response has a resounding impact on themselves and everyone around them. They know that the most powerful and sustainable change must start from within themselves.
Forging Through Fear - Falling Isn’t Failing
Lessons Learned: A Career Comeback
One of the worst things to happen to me turned out to be one of the best. You’ve heard that story, right? Tragedy to triumph? Bitter to better? Here’s my story and what I learned along the way. Anyone who has ever been overlooked, disrespected or had their good ideas stolen in their work can relate.
Bridging the Gap Between No More and Not Yet
Why Perfection is a Losing Game
Have you ever played a game that you just couldn’t walk away from even though it drove you to the brink of madness? Well, mine was the game of PERFECTION. It took me a long time to really grasp what the true cost of playing it is. And I created this video shortly after I came to the realization that it was a game I was finally done playing.