Amazon recently announced Prime Air. No, it’s not the latest Transformers movie, although it might as well be. It’s Amazon’s way of delivering packages, through the air, using robots. Yes. Robots. Welcome to the future.
Erasure of the Body
I cannot sneeze, cough, yawn, or clear my throat on a call without Quality Assurance taking off points or me having to apologize to the caller. I haven’t even mentioned how much talking for eight hours a day can hurt my throat by the end of the week. All these measures are supposedly in place to serve the customer better, but I don’t do my job better when I’m hungry or have to pee and my next break isn’t for twenty minutes.
Playful Pricing & Being Nice
How does your business impact… everything?
Revolving Door
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing
What if instead of training me to know a little about everything I was trained to know everything about something? What if instead of just telling the caller what they did was wrong, I could tell them what would be right? If I were trained to take just ONE kind of phone call instead of being prepared to face ANYTHING, I think the system would work better.