Turn Down the Volume


Working in a call center, call volume is the be-all and end-all, despite the nods higher-ups make to quality and customer satisfaction. What matters most is how many calls I answer… not how many people I assist or educate or, God forbid, improve the days of during those calls.

8 Ways to Map Out Your Business’s Strategic Goals


The YEC asks eight young entrepreneurs, “Do you have a favorite tool (analog or otherwise) to assist you and your team in mapping out the year’s strategic plans and goals? How do you use it?”

13 Ideas to Make Classrooms More Entrepreneurial

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What would you add to a secondary school curriculum to help breed more entrepreneurs (or entrepreneurial workers) at a younger age? Read ideas from thirteen young entrepreneurs.

The Little Things Matter


People waste minutes of their day, simply because they can’t be bothered to pay attention to the little details. But it’s almost always the “little things” that people remember.

Why Buying Another Clock Won't Get You There On Time

one more clock

Joel D Canfield tells us why buying another clock won’t make you a punctual person — and why finding why will.

How to Save Money on Small Business Legal Fees

Photo by Jerry Bunkers

Paying legal fees sucks. It’s as desirable as paying taxes. Unfortunately, as a business owner, you will have to do it sooner or later. Either you can manage the legal side of your business ahead of time and anticipate potential problems, or you can do it after the problems occur.

You See A Gorgeous Girl At A Party…


You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, “Let’s dance”. You show her the moves. You take her on unassuming dates on bicycle, talk a lot, dance some more. Slowly, she realizes you’re rich. By the time you say “Will you marry me?” she’s been waiting for it. That’s Content Marketing.

Symphonies of Talent

Jazz Ensemble

Twentieth century talent strategies and mindsets will ensure everyone is playing only what is written on the page… but you will be missing the great symphony of possibilities and sealing your organization’s fate in mediocrity — and perhaps extinction. Twenty-first century strategies recognize the individual, promote and reward creative thinking and embrace the process of learning.

Why Banks are Bad for New Entrepreneurs


Why would a new venture want to avoid banks? After all, won’t you need a bank to secure much needed credit lines and other forms of funding? Does not conventional wisdom say your banker should be one of your closest advisors along with your attorney and your accountant? Let’s add this to the growing list of entrepreneurial myths.

How to Lead Through Disruption

Across the Ice

The old model of executive leadership often revolved around being able to “stay the course through adversity.” In the age of disruption we’re living in, it’s time to update that model. We need leaders who are far more adaptable and know when to quit earlier, rather than staying the course.