Eight great pieces of advice from members of the Young Entrepreneur Council, straight from their brains to your business mojo. Your creative boost may be right here…
Remarkable. Creative. Successful. Upmarket businesses push the envelope -- does yours?
Eight great pieces of advice from members of the Young Entrepreneur Council, straight from their brains to your business mojo. Your creative boost may be right here…
The Young Entrepreneurs Council asks ten people, “How do you stay productive and get work done while traveling?”
The Young Entrepreneurs Council asks 8 young business owners, “If you had the cash and the resources right now to build a super team, what’s the first position you’d hire for and why?”
A lesson from Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, and MEM-on being true to yourself, and the light that can spread.
We talk a lot about time management and productivity. The Young Entrepreneurs Council asks ten young entrepreneurs: what is your best tip for multi-tasking smarter?
The Young Entrepreneurs Council asks 8 young professionals, “What’s one tip you have for designing an office space that supports collaboration and maximizes productivity?”
Imagine you’re at a job interview and you’re asked for your Facebook password. What do you do? How about if you’re working at a company where they are investigating “misconduct” and ask for your Facebook password? Do you turn it over? Can you be fired for refusing?
We do not have to do everything on our to do lists any more than we would have to eat everything at a buffet. Accepting that we can not do it all is part of the pleasure of acknowledging the wealth of opportunity before us.
Let’s face it, not everyone deals with stress in the same way. Some of us internalize every little detail. Others let things roll off our backs. Up until now we knew that stress was bad, and probably had long term effects. But as more research has been done, the trend is clear: stress today takes its toll tomorrow.
Bad employees aren’t the threat to organizations chasing excellence; it’s the mediocre employees that are the real problem. So when you look around your organization, what do you see? What are you? For some, I suspect, that answer will be a bit surprising.
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